A simple API to a collection of faces extracted from Trove's digitised newspapers.
Currently there are about 5000 faces from 1880 to 1912. More will be added soon.
These faces belong to people. Please respect both them and your users by providing links through to the original articles wherever possible.
The complete set of faces is also available for download.
Returns a randomly sorted array of face objects, with the following fields:
[ { article_url: "http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article71315672", date: "1898-07-23T00:00:00", height: 168, image_url: "http://facedepot.s3.amazonaws.com/18980723-52-71315672-1.jpg", title: "Australian Town and Country Journal", title_id: "52", width: 168 } ]
List all the available newspaper titles in the faces database.
Returns an array of newspaper titles, sorted by title.
{ faces: 185, title: "Adelaide Observer", title_id: "821" }
List all the available years in the faces database.
Returns an array of years, sorted by year.
{ faces: 447, year: 1901 },